Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Aircraft Navigation Terms and Definitions
Aircraft Navigation Terms and DefinitionsAircraft Navigation Terms and DefinitionsAircraft navigation terms can often be confusing, especially when a pilot doesnt use them every day. Experience with cross-country flights and practical use of navigation techniques make these terms easier to identify. In the meantime, heres a review of navigation terms and the corresponding definitions. Speeds Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) - Indicated airspeed corrected for instrument or position inaccuracies. The calibrated airspeed can be found in the pilot operating handbook or on the airspeed indicator.Indicated Airspeed (IAS) - The airspeed read directly from the airspeed indicator.Groundspeed (GS) - The actual speed of the airplane passing over the ground. Groundspeed is true airspeed corrected for wind. You can find the aircraft ground speed by calculating it with a flight computer.True Airspeed (TAS) - The actual speed relative to the surrounding air. True airspeed is calibrated airspeed correc ted for nonvoreingestellt pressure and temperature. You can determine the aircrafts true airspeed with a flight computer. Altitudes Indicated Altitude - The altitude depicted on the altimeter. Remember that indicated altitude is the vertical distance above mean sea level (MSL), not above the ground.Density Altitude - Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature. You can calculate density altitude with a flight computer.Pressure Altitude - The altitude shown on the altimeter when the altimeter is set to 29.92 inches or standard atmospheric pressure.Absolute Altitude - The vertical distance of the aircraft above the surface of the earth, or above ground level (AGL). True Altitude - The aircraft altitude above mean sea level (MSL). You can determine the true altitude with a flight computer. Directional True North - The geographic north pole is located at the northernmost point. True north is not the same location as magnetic north, due to the rotation of the earth i n relation to the earths magnetic field.Magnetic North - The northern location where the Earths magnetic force has the most downward pull. If you were to stand on magnetic north, a magnetic compass would point straight down. Magnetic north varies due to shifts in the Earths core and is at a different location than true north.Magnetic Variation - The angular difference between true north and magnetic north. Also known as declination. Magnetic Deviation - A magnetic anomaly that affects the compass. The magnetic compass in the aircraft is affected by surrounding magnetic and electrical disturbances in the airplane.Compass Heading - The aircrafts magnetic heading corrected for deviation. The deviation is found on a compass card or a placard near the compass, and it usually varies by just a degree or two.Magnetic Course - True course corrected for magnetic variation.Magnetic Heading - True heading corrected for magnetic variation. You can determine the magnetic variation from a sectiona l map. True Course - The aircrafts course over the ground relative to true north. True course is measured with a navigation plotter and a sectional map.True Heading - True course corrected for wind. Basic Calculations Time distance/groundspeed (td/GS)Distance groundspeed/time (dGS/t)Groundspeed distance/time (GSd/t)Fuel consumption Gallons/hour x time (GPH x T) Standard Atmospheric Conditions Standard Temperature 15 degrees Celsius or 59 degrees Fahrenheit.Standard Pressure 29.92 mercury or 14.5 psi or 1013.2 mb.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Student-Designed Heart Pump Is Lighter Than the Rest
Student-Designed Heart Pump Is Lighter Than the Rest Student-Designed Heart Pump Is Lighter Than the Rest Student-Designed Heart Pump Is Lighter Than the RestWhen his girlfriend needed heart surgery a few years ago, Dillon Hurd, then an engineering major at Iowa State University, did what engineers do best He began to design a machine that could serve as an artificial heart while patients wait for transplants or surgery.The SimVitae heart-assist device helps bridge the time between heart failure and surgery.These types of heart pumps, called left ventricle assist devices (LVADs), already exist, though only a few companies make them. Patients use themfrom the time of heart failure until surgery. People who are over 70 or in poor health, who dont qualify for a heart transplant, also use them. Many of the machines are large and cumbersome.Being an engineer, Hurd believed he could create a better solution. So he began designing an LVAD that would be lighter and more mobile.Hurds girlfrie nd is now his wife and, a few years after the surgery, is doing well. The LVAD he designed is now Hurds Ph.D. project at Iowa State. Hes also the founder of Hurd Health Group, which is gathering funding to bring his SymVitae wireless LVAD to market.For You Targeting Cancer Drugs to 3D-Printed TumorsThe SymVitae differs from heart-assist products on the market because it uses a brushless electric triebwerk as well as magnets placed on the inside and outside of the left ventricle. The magnets help guide the blood through the ventricles, while the electric motor pumps it through. Current devices rely on turbine engines to pump blood.Theyre like a small jet turbine in your chest connected to a car battery that you have to carry around all day. Their turbine design is inspired by NASA, so they really are small jet engines in every sense, he says. Theyre placed by coring into the heart, like youd remove a core with an apple. They stitch on a pump, then run a tube to the aorta and stitch i t on there to bypass the left ventricle.The pumps, attached to the aorta, also come in contact with the blood supply, which can cause blood clots. If you throw a clot, its right in your aorta, he says. It can result in a life threatening situation or cause a stroke.The SymVitae skirts the patients aorta and doesnt touch the circulatory system.Hurds device calls for minimally invasive surgery to implant the magnets. An internal charging pad and battery pack powers the magnets, which create a natural force that pulls the blood through the heart.The patient wears an external charging pad and battery pack around his waist, which is hooked to the inner charging pack and battery. These batteries are wirelessly charged. Foreign materials dont touch the blood, which pulsates and moves with the hearts natural rhythm.Because the SymVitae is comprised of small components, surgery to implant them is less invasive than with other LVADs, he says.You can implant this without having to open up the brustbein by breaking it.Dillon Hurd, Iowa State University and founder, Hurd Health GroupYou can implant this without having to open up the sternum by breaking it, Hurd says. Thats a hard surgery in itself, and if youre in heart failure youre not super healthy to begin with. Less invasive surgery means a better chance of success. The SymVitae will weigh around 300g (.66 lbs), while current LVADs typically weigh around 400g (.88 lbs) according to Hurds calculations. But the batteries and controller for those systems typically weigh about 18 lbs. Hurd says his entire system will be totally implanted and wont weigh more than 3 lbs., while his battery belt will weigh about 5 lbs.Hurd Health Groups next step is to apply for funding from the National Institute of Health and the National Science Foundation and a host of other agencies and organizations. The road ahead is to work further on the device, Hurd says.That means performing trials and tests, with the eventual goal of receiving FD A clearance.Now, Hurd is enjoying time with his wife, the impetus for his fledgling business, and developing a device that might help people with heart failure live longer and easier lives.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer.Read MoreMini Sensor Detects and Measures What We EatThe Blood Test Goes MobileEngineers Contain Cancer Cells For Further Discussion
Sunday, December 22, 2019
3 Career Mistakes You Should Make (But Only Once)
3 Career Mistakes You Should Make (But Only Once)3 Career Mistakes You Should Make (But Only Once)I know what youre thinking Isnt the point of reading advice-based articles online to avoid major mistakes? But sometimes, lessons dont really stick unless you experience that mistake- and all the consequences that result from it- first hand.At least, thats what Ive experienced so far in my career. Ive made some pretty big mistakes- but each one has taught me something extremely valuable that I probably wouldnt have truly internalized if Id just read about it from someone elses perspective. And each was enough of a reality check for me to make sure I never made the same blunder again.So, if youre going to make mistakes in your career, make behauptung three- but only once. Mistake 1 Overpromising and UnderdeliveringIf youre new to the professional world (and really, even if youre not), its pretty likely that you want to impress your boss, clients, and co-workers- and youll do almost anythi ng to prove your worth.I was in that place a few years ago, as a manager at a cleaning and concierge service startup that was launching into the commercial cleaning space. We were thrilled when we were contacted by a large law firm interested in our janitorial services- but when I visited the offices to give an estimate, I knew that our small and minimally experienced team couldnt realistically handle the job. (Seriously, the office was enormous.) But, I was eager to please. Eager to please my boss with a huge new contract, and eager to please this vermgen client, who promised to recommend us to all of its large-office friends. So, to make sure we landed the deal, I raved to the client about how meticulous, detail-oriented, and reliable our employees were. I oversold the startups experience in commercial cleaning- by a long shot.It only took a couple weeks for the law office to figure out we couldnt deliver what wed promised. Our teams spent far too long at the office each night (wh ich meant we were losing money), and even still, complaints about the things wed overlooked- from still-dusty shelves to toilet paper that hadnt been restocked- skyrocketed. Needless to say, we lost the contract. If you, like me, make the mistake of overpromising (and not coming through) once, youll never make it again. I learned that its far better to be completely realistic about what you can offer, whether its to a client, your boss, or your team. Then, the only risk you run is doing even better than you promised and completely thrilling your customers, manager, or colleagues- which is a whole lot better than than disappointing them. Mistake 2 Going Into an bewerbungsgesprch UnpreparedAbout a year ago, I was in the running for an internal move at my company into a different department. I made it through two rounds of interviews before they told me there would be one final meeting with the senior VP of the department. The recruiter I was working with was super casual about the who le thing, so I assumed it was more of a meet-and-greet than a true, formal interview.So it caught me a little off guard when the SVP launched into full-force questioning mode the minute I sat down in her office. What makes you think youre qualified for this position? she fired. Whats the biggest opportunity this department isnt taking advantage of? Whats a critique you would give to a recent project that weve done? I looked at her in silence (and utter embarrassment) as I searched for a semi-coherent answer. Since I hadnt done any research or asked good questions in my prior interviews, I had no idea how to respond. Take it from me Nothing will get you in interview-ready shape as quickly as showing up unprepared just once. My experience was terribly embarrassing (and I definitely didnt get the job), but it knocked some serious sense into me about how to prepare for interviews. Since then, Id never approach an interview- no matter how casual it may seem- as just a meet and greet. Mis take 3 Turning Down an Opportunity Because Youre ScaredThere are plenty of times you may be tempted to turn down an extra project or opportunity because youre swamped with work already and cant possibly take on something else. I get it. But there are also times when, if you dig a bit deeper into your intentions, that you find that youre actually turning it down because youre not sure if you can do it and youre afraid to fail. Several months ago, I was given the opportunity to take on a new team as part of a special project initiated by my companys executive team. I was pinpointed as a possible leader and was asked if I was interested in taking on the challenge.Honestly, it terrified me. I felt comfortable in my current role, wasnt sure if Id be successful in the new role, and, overall, felt like it was a safer bet to just stay where I was. It was only after I turned it down that it really hit me how much of an opportunity Id missed. Here was my opportunity to advance- quickly- and p rove to the entire C-suite that I could be a leader. And I missed it because I was scared. Do that once, and I promise youll never do it again. Sure, you may evaluate a role, project, or opportunity and decide its truly not right for you or your career goals (and thats fine)- but youll certainly never turn anything down for the sole reason that youre scared of failing. Because often, youll find the risk is worth the reward. Are career blunders embarrassing? Yes. But are they valuable tools to help you improve as a professional, build confidence, and advance your career? Absolutely. So dont just take it from me- experience some mistakes (with a bit of caution, of course) and learn for yourself. Photo of crumpled paper courtesy of Shutterstock.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Facebook engineer says companys female engineers have code rejected more than men
facebook inc engineer says companys female engineers have code rejected mora than menFacebook engineer says companys female engineers have code rejected more than menWhen Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote Lean In, it launched a national movementaround womens leadership and what it takes to break glass ceilings. But according to a Tuesday report from the Wall Street Journal, Facebook itself is facing allegations that the work of female engineers isnt getting a fair shake at the company.Analyzing five years of Facebooks open code-review data, an unnamed female engineer found that female engineers got their code rejected 35% more than their male peers.According to a screenshot of her internal post that the Journal obtained, she said she did this so that we can have an insight into how the review process impacts people in various groups.Checking performance, or undermining work?At Facebook, code needs to be reviewed by peers before it gets accepted. Women appear to wait longer and get i nspected more closely.In this engineers report, she said that women had to wait 3.9% longer than men to get their code accepted and faced 8.2% more questions about their code than their male counterparts.This engineers post was made in September and she has since moved on from Facebook, but her analysis sparked internal debates among Facebook employees.Facebook followed up with the engineers conclusion by conducting their own analysis. While the female engineer looked at an engineers tenure at Facebook, the official analysis looked at an engineers rank.A question of rank for women engineersThis led Facebooks head of infrastructure, Jay Parikh, to dispute gender being the main factor to code rejection. Although Parikh acknowledged that the gender review gap was still observable and felt by many of you, Parikh said an engineers rank was the main factor for the rejection rates. Some employees interpreted this to mean that the real gender gap problem was a pipeline issue.Theres criticis m for the methodology of both studies. The female engineer didnt look at the previous jobs engineers might have held, while Facebook did not analyze the trend closely enough to rule out gender bias as a factor.But its clear that the engineers conclusion of women facing more scrutiny than menresonated with many engineers.Her analysis was brought up to CEO Mark Zuckerberg in an employee town hall. When asked about it, Zuckerberg acknowledgedthat gender bias was an issue.But its unclear if he means its a Facebook issue, or a general issue that affects the entire tech industry.Diverse teams make better decisionsFacebook has been called out for its lack of diversity before. Its Equal Employment Opportunity Filing for 2013 reportedthat there were no black people in executive or senior management roles.In its latest diversity report, women represented 17% of technical roles. This matters because engineers at Facebook build the infrastructure that all of the features we the public see are b uilt upon. Whatever life stories, biases, and perspectives they hold are embedded into the dinosaurier of the technology we use.As Sandberg herself has said about diversity Endless data show that diverse teams make better decisions. We are building products that people with very diverse backgrounds use, and I think we all want our company makeup to reflect the makeup of the people who use our products. Thats not true of any industry really, and we have a long way to go.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The difference between knowledge and wisdom
The difference between knowledge and wisdomThe difference between knowledge and wisdomLets for a second imagine two very different people, with two very different backgrounds, studying the same thing in their own unique ways. In this case, its the sea. The first is a university prof, someone who is an expert on oceanography the second is an old-fashioned fisherman.The hochschulhochschulprofessor went out into the world, conquered its many challenges, eventually finding himself at the most prestigious of universities, learning at the edge of our collective knowledge. The fisherman, however, did what he was expected He graduated from high school - itself was quite an achievement in his community - but then, he took over from his father, tending to the waters that surrounded them, just as his own father had taken over from his father before him.Over the decades, these men studied exactly the same domain but from different vantage points, with slightly different purposes. The professor knew all of the forces governing the bodies of water on Earth, but he spent little time in the actual sea. The fisherman, of course, spent all of his time in the sea, but he knew little of the fancy terminology.Now, lets ask an interesting question Who out of these men has a deeper understanding of how the sea works - the professor or the fisherman?Its a tough question, and its also an ambiguous one. If your first urge is to ask your own question in response to clarify what is meant by a deeper understanding, Id say that thats a good step. Context here matters. And yet, when, in different forms, this question is asked in philosophy (rationalism vs. empiricism) or in psychology (Do IQ tests measure something meaningful as it relates to the lived world?) or in terms of the utility of logic (abstractions vs. reality), many people settle for one side and have a hard time reconciling the two in a way that does both of them justice.At its core, this question is really a question of know ledge How do we gain knowledge about the world? Rationalism says that it comes from our thoughts (from language, reason, and mathematics), whereas empiricism says that it comes from our senses (from observations, habit-patterns, and intuitions), and once this distinction has been made, each school carves its path further away from the other, leading to futile arguments that ignore the possibility that maybe simple reduction isnt the best way forward here.My own starting point is slightly different. First, I suggest that a better way to look at this is to distinguish between knowledge and wisdom, and then, I also suggest that we move away from the rationalist-empiricist dichotomy. In Buddhism, for example, there is no dichotomy because in many traditions, thought itself is considered to be a sense, just a more powerful one - in a way, a secondary one. Their starting point is consciousness, and from there, they see each of the capabilities of the human body - sight, sound, smell, to uch, taste, and yes, thought - as a point of inquiry into the nature of reality.Its very clear that humans dont experience all that consciousness has to offer. Snakes, for example, can see things in their field of consciousness that humans cant. Similarly, dogs can smell things in their field of consciousness that humans cant. This doesnt mean that these sights and smells dont exist in human environments it just means that humans dont have the evolutionary bodies that can tap into these different kinds of experiences. Hypothetically, if consciousness is an infinite dark field, then each sense can be thought of as a small bright light that illuminates one part of it to uncover reality. A dog or a snakes field lights up different parts than that of a humans field, but neither captures the whole thing.The interesting thing about humans, of course, is that we have this faculty for complex thinking, which allows us to create knowledge. Now, what is knowledge? Going with the current anal ogy, knowledge in this sense is the ability to reach beyond a single isolated light into the infinite field of consciousness. You might be able to refine and train your hearing and your sight to allow you to study more of reality, but there is still a limit to what you can hear and smell, which means that the reach of the five senses is limited. The reach of the sixth sense, the secondary sense, which is thought, allows us to use language and mathematics create abstractions that can predict what will happen in a galaxy a million light years away from here. In a way, it allows us to create additional senses to explore consciousness and the Universe with. That said, and this is why its a secondary sense, none of this is a matter of direct experience, and that brings with it occasional problems.Thought and knowledge impose abstractions onto reality, and with the right thought and the right knowledge, they allow us to map this reality fairly well. That said, no matter how good the map i s, its still a map and not the actual thing. Observations and intuitions through the other five senses allow us to directly experience this reality. There is no map. Its just a bare, naked experience that connects to the brain. Now, of course, its well-known that these other five senses can lead us astray (immediate anger, for example, isnt always a reflection of the true reality in front of you), but if adequately trained (as contemplative traditions like Buddhism aim to do), then they are a far stronger reflection of a particular lived environment than thought.Its no coincidence that advanced meditators, who have refined their senses to a higher degree than people less acquainted with the path, are said to possess a higher degree of wisdom, and thats because their experience of reality is truer, less clouded. They have learned to directly interact with their surroundings in a way that harmonizes their being with that of the being around them. In this way, we can say that thinking, the secondary sense, is what allows us to build knowledge (which is both collective - creating science - and individual - learning science), and in this way, knowledge errs towards rationalism. But the other five senses allow us to create wisdom, which is only ever individual, and it errs towards empiricism. Reducing one to the other ignores the fact that they are interactive in a way that perhaps we dont have the vocabulary to fully map.In this sense, if we take it back to the professor and the fisherman, we can say that the professor has knowledge about the sea, whereas the fisherman is wise in regards to how act in harmony with the sea. This distinction is important because one references a secondary sense (thought) and its ability explain things far beyond the reaches of the other senses (although only in terms of hypotheticals because it hasnt experienced them) and the other references the five senses that can be refined to understand things well enough to give us informati on about how to actually act in the world in front of us.If the professor suddenly went out into the sea with only his knowledge and without any experience, he may have a slightly easier time interacting with the sea than, say, someone who is completely blank, but there is no way that he would have the intuition that adequately tells him how to survive a storm or how to respond to the currents in the right way. Conversely, the fisherman may be able to navigate all of the harshness that this world throws at him, but he cant tell you why in a way that makes universal sense.In the field of psychology, the concept of IQ, which is supposed to roughly measure general intelligence (mostly hereditary) has a robust history of research behind it. In fact, its one of the most concretely tested measures in the field and the correlations it shows are comparatively sturdy. Yet, there is a lot of controversy about whether or not it really plays as big of a role in the real world as is espoused by some people. Naturally, people have an incentive to both downplay its role (Its not fair that something so out of our control should dictate so much of what we get out of life) and to upstage its role (Its really hard to accurately measure these things, and some people have an undue confidence in establishing correlations as if they suggest something they actually dont). The question, then, is How much does IQ matter as it relates to things like success in the real world?In the framework I have laid out, IQ would roughly capture abstract thinking ability, or the capacity to create and accumulate knowledge. Now, does knowledge help in navigating the real world? Or better yet, is the professor more equipped to deal with the harshness of the sea than the average person? And the answer is clearly yes. That said, a fisherman doesnt need a high IQ to dominate in his area of expertise if he has spent time accumulating wisdom in that particular domain and correcting for errors over time.Wis dom can be both contextual (being a great fisherman or being a great soccer player or being a great copywriter) or it can be general (understanding and dealing with life in a healthy way as, say, a monk would be better equipped to do), and both of these kinds of wisdom can be helped with knowledge but knowledge isnt a requirement for them to manifest if the empirical capacity of the senses in the person embodying them has been developed to a high enough level of competence, and an IQ test has nothing useful to say about that. All it does is tell you that you have the inborn capacity to accumulate and create knowledge, which is clearly important, but not important enough, because the real world goes one step beyond theory, and that is, it requires action - the ability to interact with and adapt to a changing reality, which is an entirely different ball-game.When a fisherman is out in the sea, he moves with the waves, and he dances with the life-forms beneath him, without thought, wi thout abstractions. He experiences subtle vibrations of physical matter on his body, and his brain then contextualizes these vibrations based on prior experience, which has been earned by prior mistakes and lessons, and it tells him exactly what to without actually telling him anything at all. There is no way to entirely replicate the effect of this process without actually having lived the life he has lived in relation to the sea - no knowledge, no IQ test, can save him without this background of having walked the actual path.The professor may do important work in the field of oceanography, and this work may even tell us something new and important about our relationship to nature, enhancing our collective knowledge in such a way as to push us towards a brighter future, but this domain is different from the domain of lived experience, different from the subtleties of reality.This way of thinking has a lot of benefits, but one of the clearer ones, to me, is that it reaffirms the tr uth of the old cliche that everybody can teach you something. As a naturally curious person - at times, an arrogant person - someone who at a young age had managed to learn a lot, and then learned to use that knowledge to disarm people with word-games, I had always been quick to think that I know more than I do - that if I can intellectually understand the logic of something, I get it that I dont always need to hear someone out, nor do I need to respect the wisdom of their experience and what that has taught them.Now, time is a generous teacher, and while Im still not completely beyond this kind of thinking, I am getting better at it - I am more eager to pause, to listen, to give people space when they appear to be grasping something they feel is of substance even if they dont have the language to fully communicate that substance in a way that naturally resonates with me.Its easy to take one side of the argument over the other, which we usually do based on our own unique biases and our own unique predispositions, but the truth is that, in actuality, things are messy, and people are complex, and the world we interact with is even more complexmot. Many different things can be true at the same time, depending on the interactions that are in play, depending on the predominant context. The point is never to declare victory for rationalism or empiricism, or for IQ or no-IQ, but its to honestly assess and see what works - why, how, and when.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atDesign Luck.Thisarticlewas originally published onDesign Luck.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About How to Type Resume with Accent Exposed
Fraud, Deceptions, and Downright Lies About How to Type Resume with Accent Exposed Finding the Best How to Type Resume with Accent Resumes are produced to highlight the very best side of an individual. The Chronological Resume is the most widely used format and it also the simplest to develop. Be certain to target your resume to the particular punkt youre seeking, too. Finding the correct information at the correct time is critical. No two jobs are made alike, so no two resumes will probably be the very same, either. In terms of company research, the ideal location to go is the organizations web website. Lies Youve Been Told About How to Type Resume with Accent Keep in mind that accents appear good on paper, but onscreen, they have a tendency to create things mora difficult to read. If you are aware that youre sending out amazing stuff, then it alleviates plenty of the worry. The more pieces and parts you must select from, the greater your likelihood of finding what youre searching for. Imagine a lot of other men and women copy the exact same one. If you dont have teaching experience, then emphasize any training which you might have done. If you dont are targeting work in your present industry, you will need to make sure your qualifications explain precisely what you did because your work title likely will not. While it might be accepted practice in some countries for job seekers to include such data in their application, it isnt accepted practice in some nations such as Canada, US and the united kingdom. Advanced practice nurses are accountable for collaborating with the patients and healthcare professionals. Next is the most essential part which is experience. For instance, if the organization is in a really competitive field, you will need to reveal in your resume that it is possible to help them achieve a greater proportion of growth in their market niche with your unique abilities and accomplishments. Now to make certain that youve got a f irm grasp about how to earn a professional resume, ensure that you highlight the essentials. If youre in the center of an important job hunt, it can appear tedious to edit each resume so it is specifically targeted to every position and each company, but nonetheless, it truly pays off when you get called for an interview and lots of others dont. The New Fuss About How to Type Resume with Accent Now press the letter you plan to accent. Clearly, it would be hard to bear in mind a ton of ASCII codes for different accented letters, but in case you regularly use a few, it truly simplifies the entire process. You dont need to understand which format to utilize in order to finish the steps in the outline below, though. Writing cover letters for resumes is easy, but its necessary if you wish to make a huge impression on prospective employers. Make sure the punctuation is accurate. You dont wish to distract the employer from your goal. You would like to avoid sending flags to the empl oyer that may imply that you wouldnt fit in. If you dont use a format an employer is acquainted with, then they must search too long to discover the information that they need and they wind up giving up. So rather than focusing on their preceding employment you may highlight their qualifications. Dont forget to include keywords for the position youre applying for. On any one you observe, you shouldnt ever locate an objective which is too vague. It would be quite embarrassing to make an application for a job with the incorrect objective
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tips For Dealing With Workplace Harassment, Even When You Dont Know If A Line Has Been Crossed
Tips For Dealing With Workplace Harassment, Even When You Dont Know If A Line Has Been Crossed This presidential election has brought the harsh reality of sexual harassment in the workplace to the forefront of the nachrichtensendung cycle. At PowerToFly were a company on a mission to increase employment opportunities for women with businesses that practice diversity and inclusion. So were glad this conversation is happening across our social feeds, amongst our friends and on our favorite news shows. In the last few weeks, millions of women have come forward with stories about harassment at the office, on the street and in their own homes.Of the 100,000 women on the PowerToFly platform, we can estimate that 33,000 to 50,000 of them have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, based on two surveys we conducted from 2015 and 2016, respectively. A separate survey by the Guardian estimates that only 25% of women experiencing sexual harassment have reported their harassers.One thin g we talk about at PowerToFly is wherbeie do you draw the line? Over the last few weeks politicians, our friends, our family members have all had different opinions on what constitutes as language condoning sexual assault. And thats a major problem with sexual harassment in the workplace. Women often rationalize that a line might not have been crossed not because the line wasnt crossed, but because theyre wary of reporting cases that society has dismissed time and time again. Overt sexual harassment is clear, but its the comment you might get once a month from a coworker about your outfit or feedback in a meeting that starts to make you realize youre being discriminated against because of your sex.What Do WeDo?The first step to pushing back at work is awareness. PowerToFlys Cofounder and President, Katharine Zaleski recently told Forbes.comOne of the things that women struggle with most at work is that they dont have other people recognizing whats happened to them. Your boss says so mething very creepy to you and you look around the room and everybody pretends it never happened. That was what was happening in the Donald Trump situation but now you have millions of women who are coming out and saying Hey, were pretty sure this happened but the reason were pretty sure this happened is because it happened to us. Thats whats happening here.Katharine recently discussed the importance of being aware for your colleagues while interviewing Maxine Williams, the Head of Global Diversity at facebook inc. Maxine talked about how every Monday she meets with new Facebook hires to teach them how transparency and awareness is the first step to building an inclusive environment where pervasive issues like sexual harassment can be tackled immediately. Maxine also discussed how people find allies at Facebook individually or through circles which she says are groups of pairs supporting each other. Watch in minute fourteen to hear the discussion.OK, But Im Not At FacebookOr A BigCo mpanyWeve worked in startups and know what its like to not have an HR department. We also know of situations where your harasser is your boss. Here are some tipsIf you can safely confront the harasserTell them to stop. Tell them what theyre doing is harassment and making you feel uncomfortable. Do it in front of other people if that makes you feel more comfortable.We know this is an incredibly difficult conversation to have, and being confrontational about this kind of inappropriate behavior is as scary as the harassment. Again, if you feel safe doing so, here is some language you can useIt makes me uncomfortable when you discuss my appearance. Please stop making these kinds of comments.Your comments about my sex life are inappropriate and unprofessional. This is not up for discussion, so stop raising it.If you feel unsafe, and physically or verbally underthreatGo to the versicherungsschein immediately. You can file a police report, and even request a temporary restraining order.Lan guage you could useIm being harassed by a coworker and feel unsafe. I want to file a police report and learn about options to keep me safe from their behavior.If you do have an HR departmentReport it immediately. Bring documentation of any kind??emails, eyewitnesses, dates and times of specific incidents.Language you could useCoworker has made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe working here with their behavior and actions towards me. I want to report the harassment Ive been subjected to by them.If you dont have an HR departmentTell your supervisor (if they are not your harasser), the CEO, anyone in a position of power. Tell a trusted coworker and ask them to come with you when you report it. Whoever makes key decisions in the company is a good point of contact to make a complaint.Language you could useBecause we dont have an HR department, I want to report to you that Im being harassed by coworker and I feel uncomfortable and unsafe working with him/her. I need your help as well as th e companys.If your harasser is yourbossTell their boss (if there is one). Tell anyone in a position of power at the company??even a subordinate to a boss can have a position of power within the framework of a company.Language you could useBecause boss is my boss, Im reporting his/her harassment of me to you. I need your help navigating next steps and how to report them.If you have to continue working with your harasserTell them (if you feel you safely can) you will only discuss work matters with them. Ask HR what safety and comfort measures they can put in place for you. If you dont have HR, ask a trusted coworker if they can be your safety contact and accompany you when you need to interact with your harasser. This is the harsh reality of working with a harasser often times, women will need to continue working with them for a variety of reasons.Language you could useTo HR Because this investigation is ongoing and we are both working here, I need measures put in place to ensure my s afety. Can you move their work station/can they be taken off this shared project/other specific request? How is company prepared to help me feel safe here while we are both still working here every day?To trusted coworker Ive filed a harassment complaint about harasser, but we are both working here while the incidents are being reviewed. Can you be my safety contact and help me so I dont have to interact with with harasser?To harasser While we are still working alongside each other, I must insist any contact we have be solely about work.We hope this helps and were always available at PowerToFly to hear about your experiences and to give feedback. Weve dedicated ourselves to placing women with supportive, inclusive companies and hope you can also share whether youre currently at an organization that exhibits that. We like positive stories we can all learn fromAt PowerToFly we look for businesses that have women in senior management whose parental leave policies provide a realistic ti meline for welcoming a woman back to work where hiring managers have written their own inclusion policies and include them in their job descriptions where sexual harassment policies are in place, stringent, and taken seriously. We place our community members in positions where there is a system of support, a visible career trajectory to upper management, and where being a woman doesnt make them feel like the other. Your career is a huge part of your life and your life is a huge part of your career. You deserve to be in an environment where you never have to question if a line is being crossed.WRITTEN BY LEXI KENT-MONNINGAdditional reporting by Marie Elizabeth Oliver and Katharine Zaleski One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further b ehind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the wertmiger zuwachs of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contri butor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income kompetenzprofil/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many s killed craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to p lektron up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.
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